1.  Joseph Bezzina.  The French in Gozo 10 June - 28 October 1798. Gaulitana 16. Rabat, Gozo, 1998. out of print

Through the upheavals caused by the French Revolution, an enlightened era dawned for the Maltese archipelago and for twenty-two months there also existed la Nazione Gozitana - the Nation of Gozo.  Contents include: 1789-1799: Ten years that changed the world; the Mediterranean campaign; Planning the Gozo attack; Gozo on the eve of the occupation; An island with strategic significance; 10 June 1798 - the French attack; the attack - The Gozitan account; the first days of French rule; the plundering of countryside and churches; the French Administration; Four turbulent months; the rising of the Gozitans; First administrative Commission; Congress of the people of Gozo; the village battalions; Organizing the blockade; the British and Portuguese to the rescue; Cassar meets Nelson; the capitulation; La Nazione Gozitana.   60 pages. 15 euro.

2.  Joseph Bezzina.  Francesco Masini.  Founder of the Gozo Party. 1894-1962.  Gaulitana 14.  1995. Victoria, Gozo. out of print.

The foundation of the Gozo Party by Francesco Masini signifies that .... "Gozo is out to make its voice heard".  Mabel Strickland Times of Malta 21 April 1947. 15 euro.

3.  Joseph Bezzina.  Gems of Gozo.  An Appreciation of Twenty Chapels.  Gaulitana 19.Rabat, 1999. out of print.

These twenty chapels are designated the gems of Gozo.  They are indeed.  They are a monument to the skilled masons of Gozo and stand as a witness to the resourcefulness of the inhabitants of Gozo past.  Contents: Citadel - Saint Joseph, Saint Barbara; Rabat - Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, Virgin Mary of Manresa, Saint Martha; Ghasri - Patronage of the Virgin Mary, Saint Publius; Gharb - Assumption of the Virgin (Ta' Pinu), Visitation of the Virgin Mary; Saint Demetrius; San Lawrenz - Saint Anne; Kercem - Saint Lucy; Xaghra - Saint Antony Abbott; Xewkija - Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel, Saint Bartholomew; Ghajnsielem - Saint Cecilia, Virgin Mary of Lourdes; Qala - Immaculate Conception, Immaculate Conception (Tal-Blat); Comino - Return of the Virgin Mary from Egypt. 48 pages. 15 euro.

4.  Frans Ciappara.  The Roman Inquisition in Englightened Malta. Malta, 2000.

In 1798 the Inquisition was abolished on the island.  Contents include: The Rod of Spain and France; Boring Confinement; Dirty Deceits; A Ravenous Government; Who is this Inquisitor?, A Missionary in the Levant; Declared Enemy of the Pope, The Vision; with appendix 1, 2 and 3 and glossary, bibliography and index. 292 pages15 euro.

5.  Edited by B. Hilary.  The Malta Year Book. 1966. St. Michael's College Publication. out of print.

Includes information of The Royal Family, Historical, Government, the Judiciary, Religion et. Special Articles on Wines and Vines in Malta; Language Laboratory; The Three Friaries in Gozo; Gozo - 100 Year a Diocese; The Weather; Music and the Theatre 1965; Malta's New Role in International Affairs; The Foundation of Valletta; Tourist Supplement etc.  6 euro.

6.  Joseph Bezzina.  Marian Shrines in Gozo. a review of sixty Madonna churches. Gaulitana 7. Malta, Bugelli, 1989. out of print.

Contents include Cittadella - Assumption; Savina (Rabat)- Nativity; Saqqajja (Rabat) Annunciation; Tomba (Rabat)- Snow; Ghajn Xejba (Xaghra) - Assumption; Madliena (Santa Lucija - Assumption (ta' Korvell_; Wied il-Ghasri (Ghasri) - Nativity (ta' De Manueli, Qortin (Sannat) - Assumption; Belliegha (Rabat) Visitation (tal-Gilju), Suq (Rabat) Succour; Birbuba (Gharb) Visitation (taz-Zejt), Ramla (Xaghra) - Joys (ta' Gajdoru); Ghammar (Gharb) Assumption (ta' Pinu); Wied Sara (Rabat) Aunnciation; Qala - Assumption/Immaculate Conception; Mgarr ix-Xini (Sannat) - Assumption; Qabbieza (Santa Lucija) - Assumption; Suq (Rabat) Hodigitria (ta' Itrija); Tomba (Rabat) - Annunication); Dbiegi (Gharb) - Assumption; Ghajn Meddew ( Xghara) - Assumption; Wied ta' Marsalforn (Marsalforn) - Assumption; Wied Sara (Rabat) Assumption; Wied il-Ghasri (Ghasri) - Assumption (ta' Cini); Birbuba (Gharb) - Assumption; Santu Pietru (Gharb) Assumption; Hamrija (Xewkija ) Assumption; Qasam tal-Ghezien (Xaghra) - Assumption; Dwejra (San Lawrenz) - Assumption; Wied il-Ghasri (Ghasri) Nativity (ta' Hgieri), Zebbug - Assumption ( il-Parrocca); Il-Ponta (Marsalforn) - Assumption; Ghajn Meddew (Xaghra) - Annunciation; Forn il-Gir (Rabat) - Graces; Forn il-Gir (Xlendi) Visitation; Ghajn Qatet (Rabat) Annunciation; San Gorg (Rabat) Piety; etc.  48 pages. 15 euro.

7.  Winston Lawrence Zammit.  Fir-Rabat ta' Malta. 1798-1800.

Contents include Fir-Rabat ta' Malta 1798; Ir-Rabat that il-Hakma Franciza (Gunju-Settembru 1798); Fir-Rabat fix-xahar ta' Settembru 1798; L-Amministrazzjoni Civili - Il Battaljun; Ix-Xiri tal-Qamh; Erba' sptarijiet u post ta' kenn ghar-refugjati; il-Parrocca u l-Knisja Parrokkjali ta' San Pawl; Il-Fratellanzi mwaqqfin fil-Knisja Parrokkjali ta' San Pawl; il-Grotta u l-Knisja Kolleggjali ta' San Publju; Il-Komunitajiet Religjuzi; Fir-Rabat fl-ahhar xhur tal-Imblokk (1798-1800). 82 pages.  15 euro.

8.  Tony Terribile.  Il-Madonna tal-Karmnu fit-Toroq tal-Maltin. Veritas Press, Zabbar. 103 pages.

Dan il-librett huwa dwar in-nicec tal-Madonna tal-Karmnu li nsibu f'bosta toroq tal-ibliet u l-irhula taghna.  Dawn huma kollha different, wahda mhux bhall-ohra.  Ghandhom ukoll stil differenti, saru wkoll fi zminijiet differenti.  Izda kollha ghandhom ghan wiehed, devozzjoni lejn il-Madonna tal-Karmnu.  Dawn ix-xbihat ghalhekk nistghu nharsu lejnhom bhala monumenti zghar ta' mhabba Karmelitana.  103 pages.  15 euro.

9.  Stefano Fabei.  Carmelo Borg Pisani (1915-1942). eroe o traditore?   2007, Scarabeo, Italia.

Alle 7 e  34 del 28 novembre 1942, sulla forca del carcere maltese di Corradino, moriva Carmelo Borg Pisani, un giovane artista che sognava liberazione della sua isola dal dominio britannico.  Spinto da generoso entusiasmo lascio` pennello e tavolozza per imbracciare il fucile.  Arruolatosi come soldato semplice nell'esercito di quell'Italia da lui ritenuta la vera patria, fu protagonist di una sfortunata missione segreta conclusasi con l'arresto e un processo per alto tradimento.  Entro` cosi` nella schiera delle Medaglie d'Oro al Valor Militre.  Figura controversa, protagonist di una vicenda tragica, fu considerate in Italia un eroe irredentista e a Malta, anche se non da tutti, un traditore...  153 pages.  50 euro.

10.  Monsinjur Edgar Attard.  L-Isqof Galea Helu u Twajjeb.  Mahrug mill-Kapitlu Metropolitan. Mdina, 2003. 32 pages. out of print.

Werrej: Dahla; taghrif dwar hajtu; xandar tal-kelma t'Alla; konfessur Assidwu u mfittex; Bniedem ta' talb u ta' Karita`; bniedem umli; L-Isqof Galea fil-Koncilju Vatikan 11, Bniedem Ingenjuz; gheluq.  Price 10 euro.

11.  Toni Cortis.  Antologija ta' Versi Patrijottici. DOI, 1989.    195 pages. out of print.

poeziji differenti minn Guze` Cardona, Guze` Delia, Victor Fenech etc.   15 euro.

12.  Dwardu Fenech o.s.a.  Vassalli u Kitbietu. Edizzjoni P.A.M. 1977. 188 pages. out of print.

Introduzzjoni, ghan u firxa tat-tiftix; metodu tat-tiftix; l-istudji lingwistici u letterarji; taqsim ewlieni tal-kitbiet ta' Vassalli; xoghlijiet ingwistici; studji grammatikali; alphabet Malti Mfysser Byl Malti u Byt-Taljan, Ruma, 1790; Mylsen Phenico-Punicum sive Grammatica Melitensis, Ruma 1791; l-alfatett Komparattiv tal-Mylsen Phoenico-Punicum 1791; Grammatica della Lingua Maltese, Malta, 1827; L-Alfabett Fonografiku ta' Grammatica della Lingua Maltese; Studji Lessikali; Ktyb yl Klym Malti Mfysser Byl-Latin u Byt-Taljan sive Liber Dictionum Melitensium, hoc est Michaelis Anonii Vassalli Lexicon, Ruma, 1796; Alla Nazione Maltese jew Kelmtejn Qabel tal-Lexicon; Discorso Preliminare jew Dahla tal-Lexicon; Delle origini, e varie vicende della Lingua Maltese; Dello stato presente della Lingua Maltese; Price 50 euro.

13.  Anton F. Attard.  L-Arci-Matrici li Qatt ma kienet.  Study kritiku dwar il-Ktieb ta' Karmenu Grech Il-Knisja Arci-Matrici tal-Belt u l-Gzira ta' Ghawdex. Ghawdex. 2003.  138 pages.

Werrej: inwiegbu ghad-dahla; inwiegbu lil Patri Gorg Aquilina O.F.M., San Gorg u l-Matrici tal-Assunta; Ferres that il-Mannara; Il-Matrici, Savina, San Gakbu u San Gorg; Ghaqda li kienet mehtiega; l-Unjoni Glorjuza ta' SAn Gorg mal-Kolleggjata tal-Assunta; Riedu jfendu ghal rashom; San Gorg qatt ma kienet il-Parrocca wahdanija tal-Belt u l-Gzira ta' Ghawdex; San Gorg qatt ma kienet Matrici, ahseb u ara Arci-Matrici; il-Verita` tirbah dejjem; gheluq; appendici 1 11 u 111.   Price 30 euro.

14.  Anton F. Attard.  Sunetti. L-Ewwel Parti. Ghawdex 1985. 32 pages.

din hija l-ewwel parti minn sensiela ta' pubblikazzjonijiet dwar is-sunetti ta' Anton F. Attard. Price 10 euro.

15.  Anton F. Attard. stampi Denise Muscat.  Mid-Dinja tas-Seher u tal-Folklor. Ghawdex 2002. out of print. 157 pages.

taghrif Folkloristiku mid-dinja msahhra u tradizzjonali tat-tfal Maltin u Ghawdxin. is-shahar (Malta u Ghawdex) ;  il-Belliegha (Rabat, Ghawdex; Il-Milghuba (Ghawdex); l-Imhalla tal-Bir (Ghawdex); in-Nawnu (Malta - M.A. Vassalli); Sarangu (Malta u Ghawdex); Kelejlu (Malta u Ghawdex, Gadajdu (Malta u Ghawdex); il-Wajju (Malta - E. Serracino Inglott); Gidmejmum (Malta u Ghawdex); il-wahx (Malta u Ghawdex); wahx il-baqar (Malta u Ghawdex -G. Aquilina); il-wahx tal-Imbuzzata (Zebbug, Ghawdex); Ciribedudu (Malta u Ghawdex); Il-Hares (Malta u Ghawdex); il-Babaw (Malta u Ghawdex); il-Babaw (Malta u Ghawdex) etc. Price 30 euro.

16.  Mario Buhagiar.  Marian Art during the 17th and 18th Centuries. Malta 1983. out of print. 83 pages.

critical essays: Late Medieval Marian Art in Malta Mario Buhagiar; Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Art in Malta by Dominic Cutajar; The Madonna in Maltese Art of the Nineteenth Century by Antonio Espinosa Rodriguez; the exhibits: A Catalogue raisonne` by Mario Buhagiar, Dominic Cutajar; Antonio Espinosa Rodriguez; Votive Paintings the ex-voto in folklore and social history by Mario Buhagiar; ex-voto paintings: A catalogue Raisonee` by Mario Buhagiar.   Price 40 euro.

17.  Joseph Bonnici and Michael Cassar.  Old Malta Views from Cousis' Cigarette Cards. Malta 1994. out of print.

cousis view of Malta include Valletta: quarantine harbor, the Public Library, Grand Harbour, Royal Opera House... Mosta Valley, Qrendi Makluba etc. There are 127 views.  Price 50 euro.

18.  Joseph Bonnici, Michael Cassar.  Tifkira tal-Kungress Ewkaristiku Internazzjonali Malta 1913.  Gutenberg Press.

19.  Thomas Freller.  The Rise and Fall of Abate Giuseppe Vella. 2001. 236 pages.

For some years in the end of the eighteenth century, Valletta-born Giuseppe Vella enjoyed a luminous fame all over Europe.  His translations of Arabic sources of the history of Sicily were acclaimed and threatened to change many a cherished historical notion.  His discovery of 17 lost books by the Roman historian Livy was another astonishing literary event.  And yet in a few years doubts started being cast about the abate's integrity and even his knowledge of Arabic.  Soon some scholars atarted delving into these translations and a fascinating story - with all the makings of a detective story- emerged which divided the European literary scene into two opposing factions.   Not much has been written about Abate Vella and most of what has been written is the result of fantasy and imagination.  Abate Vella also featured in Leonardo Sciascia's The Council of Egypt.  Thomas Freller's meticulously-documented account throws much-needed light on this controversial figure who has lived in the shadows of history as he describes a story which had far wider political and social reverberations than many thought.  Price 20 euro.

20.  Simon Mercieca et.  La Navigation du Savoir.  Etude de septs arsenaux historiques de la Mediterranee.  MUP. 225 pages. out of print.

El Djazair: Au rendez-vous de la memoire by Mourad Betrouni; Le port de Villefranche-sur-Mer; Les chantiers navals royaux de Barcelone/Les Drassanes Reials de Barcelona; trois arsenaux, trois epoques: Chypre ancienne, medieval et modern/Three Arsenals in Cyprus in Three Different Moments of History- Ancient, Medieval and Modern Cyprus; Les arsenaux de Pise; Gli arsenali di Pisa; Malte: Les arsenaux maritimes au cours des annees apercu de leurs dimensions urbaines/ It-Tarznari f'Malta matul is-Snin; Harsa lejn id-Dimensjoni Urbana Taghhom.   Price 35 euro.

21.  Gorg Mifsud editur.  Ghaziz Karmenu.   1982. out of print.  430 pages.

Bijografija; etc. L-ittri Giovanni Caruana; Pietro Tanti; Gaspare Pace; Rosanna Vassallo; Mikiel Ang. Vassallo; Mikiel Ang. Vassallo; P.F. Galea S.J.; Toni Buttigieg; Mons. C. Psaila; F. Galea S. J., etc etc. Price 50 euro.

22.  Geoffrey Aquilina Ross.  Malta, Gozo & Comino. All you need to know.  A complete guide to the Maltese Islands. Marsa, 1981. 145 pages.

Malta, History, Knights of Malta, Valletta, The city, Mdina, Rabat, The Three Cities, Sliea and its Satellites, The towns and Villages, the Temples, Places to visit, Beaches (Malta and Gozo), The Golden Sands, The North: Mellieha and Marfa Ridge,The Coast Road, Boat Trips, Scenic Tours, Things Maltese, Gozo An introduction, how to get there, how to see, history, general information, what to see, around Gozo, the Villages, Walks in the Countryside, Particular to Gozo, Comino, An Introduction, How to get there, the places, hotel guide, reference maps the towns, Valletta, Mdina, Beaches in Malta, Gozo and Comino, index. Price 10 euro.

23.  Mariella Attard.  Haz-Zebbug u l-festa ta'  San Filep.  studju storiku u folkloristiku. 1985. 108 pages. out of print.

werrej: Kif beda r-rahal, il-bini tal-Knisja u l-ghazla tat-titular; xbihat u relikwiji ta' San Filep; il-festa ta' gewwa; l-ixvilupp taghha mas-snin; zviluppi generali tal-festi ta' barra ta' Malta; is-Socjetajiet li jikkontribwixxu ghall-Festa; l-Armar ghall-Festa; il-Pika fuq il-Festa; il-folklore marbut mal-Festa; il-Festa l-Bierah, Illum u Ghada.   Price 20 euro.

24.  J.M. Ghigo S.J.  Il-Mara li Alla Habb. Problemi ta' LLum. Valletta. 1988.  WITH ILLUSTRATIONS.116 pages. 

F'dan il-ktieb l-editur ta' Problem ta' LLum u president tal-Akkademja tal-Malti jipprezentalna l-hajja ta' Marija omm Gesu` bi stil haj u mexxej u minsuga bit-taghlim tal-Bibbja u tal-Knisja.  Ir-Rev. Prof. M. Eminjan S.J. ifahhar l-ghazla tajba tat-titlu tal-ktieb u l-harga tieghu tassew f'waqtha fis-Sena Marjana, waqt li jheggeg lil hafna biex jaqrawh halli jintebhu kemm hi kbira l-imhabba li Alla ghandu lejhom u jitghallmu minn Marija kif ghandhom ihobbuh.  Werrej: Fil-Pjan tal-Mulej: mill-Holqien ghall-Fidwa; FilMilja taz-zminijiet 8 ta' Dicembru; it-tama tad-Dinja: 8 ta' Dicembru; fit-tempju tal-Mulej: 21 ta' Novembru; it-thabbira tal-Mulej: 25 ta' Marzu; hienja int li Emmint: 31 ta' Mejju; Titlob u Tistenna: Avvent; Ferh ghall-Poplu Kollu: 25 ta' Dicembru; jadurawh il-Gnus wkoll: 6 ta' Jannar etc. Price 15 euro. 

25.  Noel Caruana Dingli.  The French Language in Malta and the Napoleonic Period. 272 pages. 2002.

large book.  The French language in the past: the importance of historical research; the teaching and use of French: past and present; language diffusion: a definition; objectives, sources and research methods; travel and the French language in Malta; introduction; Napoleon's armada and other French fleets in Malta; Napoleon, Malta and the French navy; Maltese students in France, French colleges; French universities; business practice; marriage and emigration; Franco-Maltese marriages in Marseilles; travel and the French language during the colonial period; Maltese refugees in France; Maltese emigration to French North Africa and France; the teaching of French; introduction; the teaching of French under the Knights of St. John; Napoleon Bonaparte and the teaching of French in Malta; the implementation of educational reforms under the French; the teaching of French in nineteenth-century Malta; the Napoleonic Wars and the teaching of French before 1838 etc. etc.  Price 10 euro.

26.  J.M. Ghigo S.J.     Ejjew u Taraw.   Pubblikazzjoni Bugelli u Sullivan & Sullivan Ltd. Malta 1986. 167 pages.   

Art zghira bi storja kbira; il-weghda; ix-xebba; l-ahbar; iz-jara; tweldilna tifel; jarawh il-Gnus; il-Familja Mqaddsa; il-Maghmudija; It-Tigrib; Ewwel Sinjal; Il-Belt Tieghu; Fidi u Sinjali; Il-Gholja tal-Barkiet;  Tixbihat u Parbboli; Attentat iehor fuq hajtu; appostli u dixxipli; in-nisa madwar Gesu`..... etc.  Price 15 euro.

27.  Alfred Ellul Galea.  Rahal Gdid.  5000 Sena ta' Storja; 100 Sena Parrocca.  165 page.  Kunsill Lokali, Paola.

Rahal Gdid- Il-bidu u ismu; zewg tempji preistorici; il-fundatur ta' Casal Paula; il-Knisja ta' Sant'Ubaldeska; l-ewwel patruna tal-Pawlist; il-kjeriku Karm M. Bologna; il-popolazzjoni matul iz-zminijiet; attivita` that Kordin; bini importanti fuq zewg gholjiet; rahal gdid vici-parrocca; rahal gdid parrocca; knisja Akbar u isbah; is-salib f'nofs l-ghalqa; Damato - Bennej prolifiku ta' Knejjes; jieqaf ix-xoghol tal-bini tal-Knisja; l-ewwel quddiesa fil-Knisja bla saqaf; l-ewwel nofs tas-Seklu Ghoxrin; it-tieni Gwerra Dinjija; flagella u dizgrazzji; Kordin minghajr Kwiet; il-Hidma Pastorali u l-Membri tal-Kleru; jitkompla l-bini tal-knisja parrokkjali; l-Akbar knisja f'Malta; mill-qalb ta' Gesu` ghal Kristu Re; il-Purcissjoni tal-Gimgha l-Kbira; il-Knisa ta' Rahal Gdid Matrici; Kappelli u Knejjes Ohra; l-Ghaqdiet Religjuzi; ghaqdiet ohra; qawmien Kulturali; il-qasam Edukattiv; zvilupp politiku; it-tmexxija ta' Rahal Gdid; rikrezzjoni u sport; l-Ismijiet tat-toroq; il-Kappillani li mexxew il-Parrocca; il-Parrocca f'dawn l-ahhar 50 sena; appendici a; appendici B; bibliografija; indici generali.   Price 20 euro.